Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Stephen Shore's Everyday Epiphanies

In 1973, Stephen Shore left New York City and set out on a voyage to photograph America through the eyes of an ordinary tourist. 
Just 25, Shore was already a rising star in the art world, fresh off an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art—where, at the time, he was only the second living photographer to have had his own solo show. He was also a protege of Andy Warhol, who had taught him to appreciate the artistic value of random, everyday things—or what Warhol described as “radical inclusiveness.” 
With that aesthetic in mind, Shore, now 65, chose to document his trip the way an average person would: with a simple point-and-shoot camera aimed at the everyday banalities of the American road—where anything, he believed, could be fodder for art.

complete article here.
Stephen Shore's website here.

Monday, June 17, 2013

An exhibition is on its way!

I am so excited to announce that A Day in the Life will be installed at the Wiseman Gallery in Grants Pass, Oregon during July and August of 2014!


There are no words to explain how amazing it feels to get the opportunity to complete this project with an interactive art installation. You can read about the concept for the gallery installation here.

Mark your calendars and stop by if you can.